Public &

Media Relations

Improve client public/media relations by drafting releases, pitching stories, booking clients on television and radio, and leveraging social media platforms.

  • PR Strategy/Plan – Co-develop an overall PR strategy with clients that includes print, radio, television digital and social media, as well as executive presentations, conference participation, and other public events that drive customer opinions.
  • News Release Drafting & Distribution – Draft and distribute news releases, including national and international wire releases.

  • Media Placement – Through strong reporter relationships, secure media placements for clients in various channels and markets.

  • PR Integration – Leverage the client’s responsibility business platforms and philanthropic endeavors for positive PR.

  • Media Training – Train key company executives on how to be effective spokespersons.

  • Crisis Communication – Coach executives, issue statements, and draft communications plans to prevent, lessen or offset negative publicity.